Organizarea Nuntii / What we offer

Succesul oricarui eveniment este fara indoiala un plan bine pus la punct. Suntem constienti ca fiecare cuplu are preferinte atunci cand vine vorba de cel mai frumos eveniment, de inceput de drum nou, nunta.


Impreuna cu mirii, noi putem sa facem un plan al evenimentului, mai ales al organizarii si aranjarii salii de restaurant. Va punem la dispozitie servicii de mis-en-place a salii de restaurant; de confectionare de buchete de flori pt masa de prezidiu dar si pt mesele invitatilor; de aranajare a intrarii in sala de restaurant cu stalpi si arcada cu flori.


Va oferim o gama variata de teme cu privire la aranjarea salii dar si a evenimentului in sine, plecand de la buchetul de mireasa si cel de nasa pana la marturii si cadouri pt invitati.


The success of any event is undoubtedly a great plan. We understand that each couple has its preference when it comes to the most beautiful event, the beginning of their new life, the marriage. Along with the weds, we can make a plan of this event, especially organizing and arranging the restaurant hall.

We provide the mis-en-place service for the restaurant hall, the flowers arrangements for the presidium table but also for all tables of your guests, the restaurant hall entrance using with pillars and an arch of flowers.

We offer a wide range of topics about how to have the  ball room arranged and for the entire event itself, starting from the bride’s, godmother and bridesmaids bouquets and  ending with the testimonials and gifts for your guests.