Botezuri / Baby shower or the baptism party

In viata fiecarui om au loc mai multe tipuri de evenimente. Cu siguranta cei care sunt parinti vor spune fara ezitare ca venirea pe lume a unui copil nu se poate compara si de departe este cel mai important, frumos si emotionat dintre toate evenimentele.

Noi vrem sa fim partasi fericirii voastre si de aceea va stam la dispozitie cu un pachet standard de servicii pt organizarea botezului dar suntem deschisi si deciziilor voastre.

Iata ce presupune acest pachet :

  • aranjamente cristelnita si biserica
  • Lumanare botez
  • aranjamente florale pt mesele invitatilor
  • huse satei si esarfe satin pt scaune dar si fete de masa si naproane din saten
  • marturii
  • baloane



In everyone’s life there are more types of events. Certainly those who are already parents will say without hesitation that the birth of a child can’t be compared with none of the others and from far is the most important, beautiful and touching of all events.
We want to take part of you happiness and this is why we provide a standard package of services for the organization of the baby shower or baptism party but we are open to your suggestions.
Here’s what this package is about :

  • church arrangements
  • baptism special Candle
  • flower arrangements for the tables of your guests
  • satin chair covers  and scarfs along with satin napkins
  • testimonials
  • balloons


Pachetul diamant – brocart / Diamond Package – brocade

Pachetul Diamant – brocart a fost conceput special pt aceia dintre noi carora ne place sa facem din ziua nuntii un eveniment cu totul stralucitor si special. Suntem convinsi ca orice om care trece prin fata altarului isi doreste sa faca neuitate aceste clipe speciale insa pt unii dinte ei am pus la cale un plan cu totul deosebit intr-un decor de poveste despre care mult timp de la consumarea evenimentului se va vorbi.


Pt acest pachet special de Brocart avem pregatite urmatoarele

  • buchetare flori mireasa si nasa
  • aranjamente florale pt mesele invitatilor
  • 6 stalpi si arcada cu flori
  • covor rosu la biserica dar si la restaurant
  • huse saten si esarfe saten pt scaune dar si fete de masa si naproane din saten
  • aranjarea mesei de prezidiu cu : drapaje saten, aranjament floral, suport lumanari si suport inima cu organza si aranjament floral
  • balon jumbo
  • carduri pt mesele nuntasilor
  • marturii
  • consiliere in gasirea invitatiilor
  • perdea lumini
  • petale trandafiri
  • artificii vulcan pt dansul mirilor

Bonus (in sistem inchiriere) : pahare miri si nasi, casa de bani si plicuri bani.


Diamond Package – brocade has been specifically designed for those of us who like to make the wedding day event all shiny and special. We believe that every person who passes in front of the altar wants to make these moments unforgettable special tooth but for some they have put a plan in a very special setting of the story about the event long after eating will talk.
The Brocade Package had us offer you:

  •  wedding bouquets for the bride and the godmother
  •    flower arrangements for all tables of your guests
  •   6 pillars and an arch arrangement with flower
  •   Red carpet at the church but also at restaurant
  •   satin chair covers with satin scarf, satin tablecloths and satin napkins
  •   the arrangement of the presidium table of the grooms: with satin drapery, floral arrangements, candle holder and heart support of organza and floral arrangement
  •   jumbo balloon
  •   card on all tables of your wedding guests
  •   testimonials
  • counseling in finding your wedding theme invitations
  • curtain lights
  • rose petals
  • fireworks volcano dance for the couple
  • curtain lights
    rose petals

Bonus (for rent) glasses for the grooms and godfathers, the cash box and cash envelopes.


Aranjamente florale / Flower arrangements

Pasiunea si iubirea pt flori au dat nastere unor aranjamente care incanta privirea dar si sufletul. Incepand cu flori simple si foarte populare:


Continuand cu aranjamente mai speciale, din flori delicate si extrem de frumoase:


Si terminand cu cele mai extravagante aranajamente florale, in ton cu ultimele tendinte, noi va putem oferi in varinate viu colorate si pline de parfum si senzualitate cele mai frumoase buchete de flori.



The passion and love for flower arrangements gave birth to our soul delights.

Starting with simple flowers and very popular arrangements;  Continuing with more special arrangement of delicate flowers but extremely beautiful.

And ending with the most extravagant floral arrangements  in tune with the latest trends, we can provide in some of the most colorful and full of fragrance and sensuality flower bouquets.

Torturi Economice pt Nunta / Affordable wedding cakes

In cazul in care sunteti in cautare de un tort pt cea mai frumoasa zi din viata de cuplu, nunta, noi va putem recomanda partenerilor nostri.


Puteti lua legatura cu acestia in vederea stabilirii decoratiunilor pt tortul de nunta, dar si a continutului acestuia, culori, arome si orice alta cerinta speciala.


Odata ce ati luat hotararea sa apelati la partenerii nostri noi nu ne asumam responsabilitatea negocierilor cu acestia, acest lucru fiind asumat de cei din urma.


Mai multe detalii puteti gasi pe:


If you are looking for a cake for the most beautiful day of your life as a couple, the wedding, we can recommend you to our partners.
You can contact them to establish the wedding cake decorations, starting its contents, colors, flavors and any special requirements for the decoration.
Once you have decided to appeal to our partners we do not assume the responsibility for negotiations with them. More details can be found on:

Pachetul Aur / Gold Package

Fara indoiala cel mai pretios si cunoscut metal este aurul. Pe aceleasi idei ne bazam si noi cand venim cu propunerea unor servicii de inalta clasa cand vine vorba de organizarea nuntii. Am compilat cele mai frumoase idei pt a va oferi cele mai luminoase si pretioase momente la inceput de drum, in ziua in care ia fiinta o familie.


Prin acest pachet minim noi ne luam angajamentul de a va oferi urmatoarele:

  • buchetare flori mireasa si nasa
  • aranjamente florale pt mesele invitatilor
  • 6 stalpi si arcada cu flori
  • covor rosu la biserica dar si la restaurant
  • huse saten si esarfe saten pt scaune dar si fete de masa si naproane din saten
  • aranjarea mesei de prezidiu cu : drapaje saten, aranjament floral, suport lumanari si suport inima cu organza si aranjament floral
  • balon jumbo
  • carduri pt mesele nuntasilor
  • marturii
  • consiliere in gasirea invitatiilor
  • perdea lumini
  • petale trandafiri
  • artificii vulcan pt dansul mirilor

Bonus (in sistem inchiriere) : pahare miri si nasi, casa de bani si plicuri bani.

Pretul fiecarui pachet poate diferit in functie de dorintele mirilor.

Nota: numarul minim de invitati este 150.


Undoubtedly the most precious and precious metal is known. We rely on the same ideas when we come to propose high-class services when it comes to wedding. We have compiled the most beautiful ideas for give you the brightest and precious moments at the beginning, the day and being a family.

We offer:

  •    wedding bouquets for the bride and the godmother
  •    flower arrangements for all tables of your guests
  •   6 pillars and an arch arrangement with flower
  •   Red carpet at the church but also at restaurant
  •   satin chair covers with satin scarf, satin tablecloths and satin napkins
  •   the arrangement of the presidium table of the grooms: with satin drapery, floral arrangements, candle holder and heart support of organza and floral arrangement
  •   jumbo balloon
  •   card on all tables of your wedding guests
  •   testimonials
  • counseling in finding your wedding theme invitations
  • curtain lights
  • rose petals
  • fireworks volcano dance for the couple

Bonus (for rent) glasses for the grooms and godfathers, the cash box and cash envelopes.

The price of each package may vary depending on the wishes of the couple.

Note: The minimum number of guests is 150.

Pachetul Argint / Silver Package

Pt multe persoane nunta este cel mai frumos eveniment din viata lor. Planurile pt o astfel de zi nu sunt niciodata suficiente si parca ideile sunt tot mai multe cu cat ziua Z se apropie. Ne-am gandit sa va venim in ajutor cu cateva propuneri si servicii pe care suntem dispusi sa vi le oferim.


Prin acest pachet minim noi ne luam angajamentul de a va oferi urmatoarele:

  • buchetare flori mireasa si nasa
  • aranjamente florale pt mesele invitatilor
  • 6 stalpi si arcada cu flori
  • covor rosu la biserica dar si la restaurant
  • huse satin si esarfe satin pt scaune dar si fete de masa si naproane din satin
  • aranjarea mesei de prezidiu cu : drapaje satin, aranjament floral, suport lumanari si suport inima cu organza si aranjament floral
  • balon jumbo
  • carduri pt mesele nuntasilor
  • marturii

Bonus (in sistem inchiriere) : pahare miri si nasi, casa de bani si plicuri bani.

Pretul fiecarui pachet poate diferit in functie de dorintele mirilor.

Nota: numarul minim de invitati este 100.


For many people the wedding is the most beautiful event in their lives. Plans for such a day are never enough and if the ideas are more once the D-Day is approaching. We thought it would come to the rescue with some proposals and we are willing to services we offer.

  •      wedding bouquets for the bride and the godmother
  •      flower arrangements for all tables of your guests
  •      6 pillars and an arch arrangement with flower
  •      Red carpet at the church but also at restaurant
  •      satin chair covers with satin scarf, satin tablecloths and satin napkins
  •      the arrangement of the presidium table of the grooms: with satin drapery, floral arrangements, candle holder and heart support of organza and floral arrangement
  •     jumbo balloon
  •      card on all tables of your wedding guests
  •      testimonials

Bonus (for rent) glasses for the grooms and godfathers, the cash box and cash envelopes.

The price of each package may vary depending on the wishes of the couple.

Note: The minimum number of guests is 100.

Pachetul Bronz / Bronze Package

Pachetul Bronz, sau economic, este dupa opinia noastra cel mai accesibil pachet oferit de echipa Tandem Events.


Prin acest pachet minim noi ne luam angajamentul de a va oferi urmatoarele:

  • buchetare flori mireasa si nasa
  • aranjamente florale pt mesele invitatilor
  • 6 stalpi si arcada cu flori
  • covor rosu la biserica dar si la restaurant
  • huse satin si esarfe satin pt scaune dar si fete de masa si naproane din saten
  • aranjarea mesei de prezidiu cu : drapaje satin, aranjament floral, suport lumanari si suport inima cu organza si aranjament floral

Bonus (in sistem inchiriere) : pahare miri si nasi, casa de bani si plicuri bani.

Preturile vor fi stabilit ulterior impreuna cu voi, in functie de numarul de invitati si alte detalii unice.

Nota: numarul minim de invitati este 70.


Bronze Package, or the economic one, is the most affordable package offered by the Tandem Events team for your wedding. With this basic package we pledge to offer you the following:

  •      wedding bouquets for the bride and the godmother
  •      flower arrangements for all tables of your guests
  •      6 pillars and an arch arrangement with flower
  •      Red carpet at the church but also at restaurant
  •      satin chair covers with satin scarf, satin tablecloths and satin napkins
  •      the arrangement of the presidium table of the grooms: with satin drapery, floral arrangements, candle holder and heart support of organza and floral arrangement

Bonus (for rent) glasses for the grooms and godfathers, the cash box and cash envelopes.

The prices will be set  with you, depending on the number of guests and other unique details.

Note: The minimum number of guests is 70.

Organizarea Nuntii / What we offer

Succesul oricarui eveniment este fara indoiala un plan bine pus la punct. Suntem constienti ca fiecare cuplu are preferinte atunci cand vine vorba de cel mai frumos eveniment, de inceput de drum nou, nunta.


Impreuna cu mirii, noi putem sa facem un plan al evenimentului, mai ales al organizarii si aranjarii salii de restaurant. Va punem la dispozitie servicii de mis-en-place a salii de restaurant; de confectionare de buchete de flori pt masa de prezidiu dar si pt mesele invitatilor; de aranajare a intrarii in sala de restaurant cu stalpi si arcada cu flori.


Va oferim o gama variata de teme cu privire la aranjarea salii dar si a evenimentului in sine, plecand de la buchetul de mireasa si cel de nasa pana la marturii si cadouri pt invitati.


The success of any event is undoubtedly a great plan. We understand that each couple has its preference when it comes to the most beautiful event, the beginning of their new life, the marriage. Along with the weds, we can make a plan of this event, especially organizing and arranging the restaurant hall.

We provide the mis-en-place service for the restaurant hall, the flowers arrangements for the presidium table but also for all tables of your guests, the restaurant hall entrance using with pillars and an arch of flowers.

We offer a wide range of topics about how to have the  ball room arranged and for the entire event itself, starting from the bride’s, godmother and bridesmaids bouquets and  ending with the testimonials and gifts for your guests.